Ismca Tennis/Sport Mental & Physical Coach – C, B, A Level Courses and Updates 1st-4th May 2025
from 01st until 04th May 2025
Kind Colleagues, Coaches, Tennis Masters, Instructors, Technicians, Physical Trainers, and Mental, Graduates in Sports Sciences, Psychology, and in Coaching in Sport or Similar degrees we communicate that registration for ISMCA courses in object of Tennis/Sport Mental and Physical Coach of level C, B and A with relative updates are open.
Prestigious names were invited among the speakers such as Giuseppe Annino (director of the School of Specialization in Sports Medicine, physical trainer and professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata), Sara Bordo (Sport Psychologist and mental coach), Alberto Castellani (ISMCA and GPTCA President, international ATP coach, mental trainer e professor at the University of Perugia), Lucio Caprioli (coach GPTCA and physical trainer, PhD student at the sports engineering laboratory in Rome Tor Vergata), Ida Cariati (researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, an expert in physiological adaptations to exercise), Dragos Luscan (current physical trainer of David Popovici, former physical trainer of Simona Halep), Alessandra Parroni (Psychologist and therapist), Cristian Romagnoli (researcher of the San Raffaele Telematic University of Rome, an expert in functional assessment of the neuromuscular system), Federico Venceslai (Psychologist and therapist).
The course is open to coaches, tennis teachers (teachers, instructors, etc.) of any association and federation, sports coaches, graduates and undergraduates of the 3rd year in Exercise Sciences, physical trainers, sports psychologists, and other graduates with relevant degrees.
Information on the courses can also be found on the international site of ISMCA (International Sport Mental Coach Association):, or on its Facebook page. Each member of the ISMCA Association will have one or two pages within the website and will be able to exchange information with other coaches from all over the world (Facebook model), In addition to receiving a newspaper with technical updates and technical-tactical reports from the most important coaches on the professional circuit.
You become a member of the Association after passing the final test of the scheduled course and paying the annual membership fee included in the registration fee.
Those who have the ISMCA Sport/Tennis Mental and Physical Coach level C title can enroll in the level B course, and those who have the B can enroll at level A.
Those who will participate in the Sport/Tennis Mental Coaching course will also have the opportunity to follow the lessons related to Physical Coaching for free, obtaining the relative certificate of attendance. On the other hand, those who want to get both courses’ diplomas will be entitled to a fair discount on the participation fee. Some teaching sessions of the 2 courses will be common.
We remind everyone that we have entered into a cultural agreement with the Newport-Research University of Palm Beach (Florida – USA), bringing the first three-year online degree in “Coaching in Sport” to Italy. All titles acquired in tennis, all sports training courses, exams taken in other degree courses, the GPTCA diploma, and everything that can be evaluated will be recognized as training credits, with a consequent reduction in the exams required for the degree in their tennis, cultural, and sports career. Those who do not have a high school diploma can acquire an equivalent qualification with the same University which will entitle them to enroll in the degree course.
For information please contact Mr. Antonio Di Vita, ( or Tel: 0039 329 – 9147640), Lucio Caprioli (Tel. 0039 331-2312165,, or Mr. Alberto Castellani, ( or Tel: 0039 348 – 2618923).
We believe we are done with the information: if we have forgotten something we will communicate it quickly. See the ISMCA website,, or the related Facebook page to stay updated on our events and news!
We look forward to seeing you there!
The ISMCA Staff
ISMCA courses are open to all ISMCA and GPTCA members, tennis teachers (teachers, instructors, etc.) of any association and acronym, sports coaches, sports science graduates, physical trainers, sports psychologists, and other graduates with a relevant degree, but only upon approval of his/her curriculum vitae which must reveal sufficient links with the world of tennis and sufficient tennis activity.
The update can be done by GPTCA/ISMCA members and not. It will entitle you to 3 credits recognized by the Higher School of Sport Psychology of Rome for obtaining a degree in “Coaching in Sport” from Newport Research University in Palm Beach (Florida).
Registrations for the course and those for updates must be completed no later than April 28th 2025. For any information and /or clarification, you can contact us by email,, or by calling Mr. Antonio Di Vita (anthonydivita @ – Tel: 0039 329 – 9147640), or Mr. Alberto Castellani (Tel: 00348 – 2618923): on the website,, you can then consult and/or download the lesson plans for free, the poster also in English with all the information (participation costs, accommodation, travel itineraries, etc.) and the registration forms in Italian and English for the ISMCA course. Admission will be decided by the course management.
Participation costs:
ISMCA Mental Coach Course: € 260,00, € 200,00 only for GPTCA members.
ISMCA Mental Coach Course (upgrade from level C to B and from B to A): € 160,00.
ISMCA Physical Coach course: € 260,00, € 200,00 only for GPTCA members.
ISMCA Physical Coach course (upgrade from level C to B and from B to A): € 160,00.
ISMCA Mental Coach course + ISMCA Physical Coach course: € 380,00
Only update without final exam: € 70,00.
The payment for participation in the courses can be made by bank money transfer using the following bank details:
ASD International Sport Mental Coach Association
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
Via XX Settembre 70 / A – 06121 Perugia (PG)
IBAN IT80U0306967684510741515985
Reason: Balance of participation in the ISMCA Coach course by Mr. / Ms. ……………………………… (specify the participant’s name very well).
ASD Colle degli Dei
Via Colle Calcagno 31/11
00049 Velletri (RM)
Tel: 0039 06 – 9623226,
Board and lodging:
€ 25,00/30,00 per night per person in a Double room. At the Colle degli Dei, there will also be the opportunity for breakfasts, light lunches (€ 10.00/15.00), and dinners at the restaurant at moderate prices. If there is no availability of accommodation at the sports club, it will always be possible to contact one of the following B&Bs at reasonable and affordable prices:
B&B “La Camelia”
Via della Caranella, 13, 00049 Velletri RM
Tel: 0039 331-4646893
B&B “I Ciliegi”
Via delle Corti, 00049 Velletri RM
Tel: 0039 333-8014586
B&B “Chez Raz”
Via della Caranella, 41, 00049 Velletri RM
Tel: 0039 347-7109886